
tree after tree中文什么意思

发音:   用"tree after tree"造句
  • 一棵又一棵树
  • tree:    n. 1.树〔主要指乔木,也可指较大的灌木〕。 ★玫瑰可 ...
  • after:    adv. 在后;继后;后来。 follow after ...
  • a tree:    树状; 一棵树; 一蔸树
  • in a tree:    在树上
  • in the tree:    在树上(非树本身)
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  1. As the wind rose to eighty miles an hour , tree after tree crashed down
  2. Tree after tree went own , cut down by the water , which must have been three metres deep
  3. Tree after tree went down , cut down by the water , which must have been three metres deep
  4. Tree after tree went down , cut down by the water , which must have been three metres deep


        tree:    n. 1.树〔主要指乔木,也可指较大的灌木〕。 ★玫瑰可 ...
        after:    adv. 在后;继后;后来。 follow after ...
        a tree:    树状; 一棵树; 一蔸树
        in a tree:    在树上
        in the tree:    在树上(非树本身)
        in tree:    内树型; 入树
        into tree:    放在树中
        on the tree:    长在树上的,如果实一类的。; 在树上(本身生出的); 在树上(果实等)
        or tree:    或树
        s tree:    无私奉献的树
        tree:    n. 特里〔姓氏〕。 n. 1.树〔主要指乔木,也可指较大的灌木〕。 ★玫瑰可以称为 bush, 也可以称为 tree. 2.木料,木材;木构件;〔古语〕绞首台;〔the tree〕(钉死耶稣的)十字架;鞋楦。 3.树形(物),世系图,家系 (=family tree);【数学】树(形);【化学】树状晶体。 a banana tree 香蕉树。 an axle-tree 心棒,轴料。 a boot-tree 靴楦[型]。 a saddle-tree 鞍架。 at the top of the tree 在最高地位。 tree of Buddha 菩提树。 tree of heaven 臭椿。 tree of knowledge (of good and evil) 【圣经】知道善恶的树,智慧之树。 tree of life 生命之树,生命力的源泉【植物;植物学】金钟柏。 up a tree 〔口语〕进退两难,不知所措。 vt. 赶(猎兽等)上树躲避;〔口语〕使处于困境;穷追;把鞋型插入(鞋内)。
        after a while we run under a tree:    我们在树下追逐
        avenue tree, street tree:    行道树
        dependency tree, dependent tree:    依存关系树
        embedding of tree in another tree:    一树嵌入另一树中
        genealogical tree(family-tree):    系谱树;系统树
        older tree and famous tree:    古树名木
        specific tree-by-tree cross:    树木之间特定杂交
        the olive-tree and the fig-tree:    敢榄树和无花果
        ti tree tea tree:    钛树
        a blooming tree:    开花的树
        a christmas tree:    一棵圣诞树
        a fallen tree:    一颗倒了的树
        a family tree:    家谱
        a fence of tree:    树障子


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